The Engineers Club of Dayton


Membership Application Join the Engineers Club of Dayton The Engineers’ Club of Dayton (ECD) has been an integral part of the city’s landscape for over 100 years and membership has been held by an impressive list.  Founders Colonel Edward A. Deeds and Charles F. Kettering realized that Dayton was an important hub for industry and


Engineers Club Videos, 2020 Welcome to the Engineers Club of Dayton video gallery — an area that we will keep up-to-date with the latest Club videos. Everything from facility tours to Barn Gang lectures will be kept here for your viewing pleasure. These videos will offer the first TWO MINUTES of the filmed event as


Image Gallery | Engineers Club If a picture is worth a thousand words, our image gallery certainly should provide a wealth of imagery for our members and those looking to use the facility for business, weddings, banquets and more! The Engineers Club of Dayton (ECD) offers an elegant atmosphere for members to gather socially, for

ECD Committees

Engineers Club Committees Members Making a Difference Our Club prides itself on the support of our members, especially those who help to make a difference through their participation in the selection of committees available. We encourage you to learn more about the groups the Engineers Club of Dayton offers and how the touch the community

Membership Plans

Engineers Club Membership Individual & Corporate Plans Available Thank you for your interest in our organization, and we look forward to welcoming you as a new member soon. Below, you will find a listing of both the Individual and Corporate Membership Plans we have in place, along with the requirements such as age, initiation fees and

Club Amenities

Engineers Club Amenities The Benefits of Membership The Engineers Club of Dayton offers a wide range of amenities for it’s members. We are proud to have over 100 years of history, tradition and privilege, and are always looking to add new members such as engineers, students, active military members, academia, scientists, corporate professionals and more.